A Collection of Female Attire

The Collection: Panties
#8 – #10

 (Please note: This is the “archive” of the collection of shoot props (generally lingerie/womens attire somehow) that I have gathered over the last 11 years of my career.
They are catalogued by number, and description for now as well as any other relevant information about their individual histories- how I came to have the items, what shoots they might have been used for, etc.
The style in which I document an item may vary according to the type of garment/object it is).

The Collection - PANTIES - no.008 Catalogued for TheSofterSex#8 – Panties.
Small acid yellow La Senza thong. A friend messaged me and asked if I wanted a bag of her old-but-never-worn or old-and-worn-once-or-twice knickers to add to the collection. She was, I think, eradicating undies from a previous relationship. I think women tie sentimentality to objects like this.

The Collection - PANTIES - no.009 Catalogued for TheSofterSex#9 – Panties.
Red, tassled, Made In China, thong, Size Small. Another cheap China shop find under the Golden Acre in Adderly Street, Cape Town. Also never used for a shoot but mostly because they are terribly badly made and would unravel if actually tried on.

We discussed this pair briefly in studio and couldn’t quite decide what was intended with the lacey-non-gusset type area…
I bought them purely because they were a marvel. Somebody had to decide to manufacture this product in mass, somebody designed it and someone else decided to ship it to Cape Town… I think I paid R3 for them in 2005.

The Collection - PANTIES - no.010 Catalogued for TheSofterSex#10 – Panties.
Chiffon, pink/tan/brown ruffled Mr. Price bikini-cut panties. Size medium. About 7-8yrs ago these were on sale at Mr.Price for R9.99 and I bought about 6 pairs in differing sizes and shades. I don’t think I’ve ever shot with them but think they will have their moment of glory since they are just so great. They remind me a bit of Ellen Von Unwerth’s grainy early work in B&W.

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