A Collection of Female Attire

The Collection: Stockings
#115- #118

 (Please note: This is the “archive” of the collection of shoot props (generally lingerie/womens attire somehow) that I have gathered over the last 11 years of my career.
They are catalogued by number, and description for now as well as any other relevant information about their individual histories- how I came to have the items, what shoots they might have been used for, etc.
The style in which I document an item may vary according to the type of garment/object it is).



#115 – Stockings
Knee-high fuchsia pink, striped knee highs. Bought about 10 years ago and used in a few shoots including this exhibition piece in 2007.



#116 – Stockings
Knee-high fuchsia pink and neon yellow wide fish-net stockings. This was originally two pairs but since each has a missing partner they’re now re-paired and look even more fitting.


#117 – Stockings
Bright red, opaque, hold-ups with patterning. A great and unusual pair handed down to me by my aunt.


#118 – Stockings
Deep brown/black, nylon hold-ups. This vintage pair of hold-ups has seen better days.