(Please note: This is the “archive” of the collection of shoot props (generally lingerie/womens attire somehow) that I have gathered over the last 11 years of my career.
They are catalogued by number, and description for now as well as any other relevant information about their individual histories- how I came to have the items, what shoots they might have been used for, etc.
The style in which I document an item may vary according to the type of garment/object it is).
#1 – Panties.
Size smallish, synthetic, lacy, dusty pink. High cut and dated, these knickers sit like a pair of high waited jeans from the late 80’s/early 90’s. I have no clue where they came from anymore and have also never used them in a shoot.
#2 – Panties.
Size tiny, red with silver shimmery elastic and stretch-mesh frills. My partner who co-owns his own online sex-shop had been sent a few sample freebies with an order of which this tiny pair was one. They were handed over to me for the collection. They are so small I’ve never found a woman that could actually fit into them.
#3 – Panties.
Sheer pink lace Brazilian style bum with a boy-short style cut front in cotton with multi-coloured stripes. Mr. Price, size small or medium, label cut out for shoot. One of a two pack. I bought these knickers for the Miss April Playboy Playmate shoot featuring Kelly McLennan in 2013. The theme was based on the concept “Postcards from Cape Town” and was all about local beaches and Summer vibes, thus the playful girlie knickers (mostly for the PR shots). Included are two of the images shot on Sunset Beach for the editorial.