Women I've Shot

Corporate Commission: Alan Walt Architects & Ass.
The Client Christmas Card 2013/4


This was Alan Walt and my 4th collaboration together.

Alan is a South African architect based in Cape Town who I met around 2007 when he approached me to shoot one of his end-of-year/Christmas cards which he sends out to his clients, usually late, but none the less around the December/January mark.

The end of year client card is a space for him to collaborate with artists and to create a thought provoking and generally provocative (when working with me) product of some kind to share with the people he has worked with during a year.

Alan usually comes to me with a starting point of some kind from which we grow an idea which I shoot. The 2013/4 collaboration intended to incorporate the “AWA” (Alan Walt Architects) logo into the cut out wedge of the models high heels. A play on power and rather reminiscent of Helmut Newtons nudes,- the model stands strong and dominantly. She stands on the clients brand (via the logo cut wedges in the heels) at the same time she’s incapacitated by wearing the heels as well as the blindfold.

This image by Newton comes to mind...the disabled yet powerful woman.
This image by Newton comes to mind…the disabled yet powerful woman.

The project morphed so that by the end we produced a 48 or 72 piece A4 puzzle from the image which would be delivered or sent out to his clients.

The below images show the camera RAW files in Bridge (Photoshops editing software) as the images get edited down to a final selection for the project.

AWA-2013-Editing-Process-Alan messed around with some of the images (below). He printed out the above files and cut them up to resemble the beginning of a collage shaped as a “W”. I  like this idea better in hindsight and maybe we’ll still put it together one day as a print for his office.


Below is the first proof printed puzzle and lastly, I gave the model (a friend and also a photographic assistant in our space) a copy. I left the piece stacked up in a little mysterious pile on her desk for her to find and assemble when she came in to work.



Women I've Shot

“The Housewives”, Private Commissions:
This is Cindy


(Note: “The Housewives” was a term I fondly coined in 2006 after I started getting shoot requests from private, individual women who became my clients. Many of the women who contacted me were married and in their mid 30’s and were doing the shoots as gifts to their husbands. The folder in my archives is still called this and so I’ve stuck to it, in part just for the irony: most of these women are not “housewives” at all, but strong independent and forward thinking women who I have had the honour of documenting.

All are private commissions and the demographic has changed substantially over the years. Some I’m still in contact with, others I’ve totally lost contact with, some have become friends, some may wish not to have their real names used, others don’t mind, some may have their faces obscured for privacy reasons, others have generously shared their experiences of being photographed.)



I asked Cindy* a bit about her reasons for shooting, her approach to the process and her feelings about her body:

My intention for the shoot was to feel what it was like in front of the camera.
I was interested in photography and I thought it would be a good way to understand subjects’ reactions and personalities after learning from my own experience in front of the lens.



I didn’t know this was Cindy’s specific reason for our shoot together and it was interesting to find out in hindsight that she had approached it with an intention of understanding the subjects perspective, something I’ve experienced myself of course but not a concept that I would have expected from a woman commissioning a shoot like this.


In retrospect I realise how often my privately commissioned clients make similar comments during or at the end of the shoot,- about how intense, hard, specific etc the task of documentation is as well as achieving results one feels reflect societies notions of our identity of women.



I photographed Cindy in a make-shift studio: in a private home in the lounge. The images are predominantly segmented which makes the aspect of a home space and the “public/private” element so interesting for me.

I was shy about my body as I had never done a shoot like this before and been “exposed” or nude in this context. I was, however, relatively happy with my body at the time we worked together.


My self identity has changed leaps and bounds since this time. My body at the initial shoot was very athletic. Now, as a mother of two and being much older, my body has changed! Even though it is not quite where I want it, I am far more comfortable in my skin and would not hesitate to bare all next time.


As mentioned before, Cindy was directive about the approach and outcome for the shoot. Her sense of aesthetic relating to the female form/nudes, was specific. Comic and fun to work with, she had clear ideas about how she wanted the images approached.

A simple full frontal nude is not so much my thing which is why I went for the style we shot on our shoot together.

I appreciate the female nude, but personally prefer the more artsy approach which is perhaps more abstract and segmented;- highlighting various parts of the body for the beauty of each area. The shoot with you was incredible!


I’m sometimes surprised to hear my clients perspectives about a nude shoot and almost always am re-influenced about the shoot in hindsight after hearing what the client may have sensed or felt about either the experience, their body or the resulting images, especially after so much time passing.


Looking at Cindys images now, 8 years later, I’m taken with the incredibly tactile nature of the outcome and how accurate her sensibilities were about her approach. The details of her body, her skin are sensual, private and bold. And even though I’ve shot many very similar images in the past, these are so striking even after all this time.

*Name changed for privacy reasons

Women I've Shot

“The Housewives”, Private Commissions:
This is Amy

(Note: “The Housewives” was a term I fondly coined in 2006 after I started getting shoot requests from private, individual women who became my clients. Many of the women who contacted me were married and in their mid 30’s and were doing the shoots as gifts to their husbands. The folder in my archives is still called this and so I’ve stuck to it, in part just for the irony: most of these women are not “housewives” at all, but strong independent and forward thinking women who I have had the honour of documenting.

All are private commissions and the demographic has changed substantially over the years. Some I’m still in contact with, others I’ve totally lost contact with, some have become friends, some may wish not to have their real names used, others don’t mind, some may have their faces obscured for privacy reasons, others have generously shared their experiences of being photographed.)


This is Amy. I photographed her at Roodebloem Studios in 2008. We shot quite a few different looks during her 2 hour shoot, ranging from more conceptual, to more traditional nudes, vintage inspired boudoir-style images and series which had a harder more domiatrix type feel to it which incorporated the rope I had used the previous year to shoot the rope-bound girls for the Alan Walt Architects & Associates’ client end of year greeting card.




Amy’s shoot came at a time when I was really utilising the props I had already collected during my first 6 years in photography. I was also still quite connected to many of my initial references which I’d been incorporating into my ideas during my graduate body of work and so many of the themes seem prevalent in this shoot.



Amy was easy going and fun during the shoot as far as I remember, and with the usual touch of anxiety about parts of her body which she may have felt self-conscious about.
In all the years I’ve been working this closely with women there have been very few times that I’ve come across someone who is outright confident about the way their bodies look…




Since the time of this shoot Amy has been very open and happy for me to use the images in connection with other projects,- this fact (one I’ve found strangely common with my clients) is, I feel, like a vote of confidence for how such images can lend themselves to being empowering about ones self image.


Projects Women I've Shot

PORTRAITURE: A nude in pink


This was one of the few personal projects I shot in 2010. Lexi, a dear friend, was visiting from the states and I asked her if she’d pose in studio for two creative portraits using a one-tone colour palette of pink.

I’m not quite sure anymore where or why I thought up this quite random idea but the shoot was none the less very fun and a great creative process assisted by friends.

We spent an evening in the studio painting found (in a dumpsite) objects pink as well as an old metal bath tub I’d seen in a derelict yard outside our studio. I shopped a number of stores empty of pink razors (of which I still have a bag stored somewhere) and bought a selection of other random (pink) items to fill in the fantasy story line look of the shoots (buckets, towels, rented candy floss machines etc).


It was a fun and messy shoot and one of those experiences that I guess adds to ones creative experience.

The images had no particular function except to exist, really. The building, sourcing and thinking-up of a scenario for the brief amount of time it takes to actually document it (making it a brief reality) has always been one of my joys of the photographic process.


A snap of some of the people who worked together on this shoot and also a bit of a "behind the scenes" look at the scenario before its post processing stage...
A snap of some of the people who worked together on this shoot and also a bit of a “behind the scenes” look at the scenario before its post processing stage…