The Gate-Keepers: A Portraiture Project
This is a portraiture project, documenting the “gatekeepers” of a growing movement regarding positive birth experiences in our country. My aim: to promote those who are enabling women to identify with their power and femininity and therefore normalize birth and the body.
These are their stories / anecdotes / opinions about what they do and how they see it…accompanied by my portraits and some general information on each sitter.
Jackie Downs is a student Midwife studying at Wits University, she works mostly in Hilbrow Johannesburg and has been in the birthing profession for three years now.
“As a midwife I would like to offer all women a more caring, and a safer experience when they are giving birth. In labour they seem to me to be at their most vulnerable. They deserve much more care and love than what I see them currently getting at the public institutions where I work. “
• (I invite more participants to join the project, you are welcome to email me for more information).